The Fostering and Adoption Recruitment Team are getting social on Facebook and Twitter

FacebookTwitterThe Fostering and Adoption Recruitment team have recently started posting on Cheshire West and Chester’s Facebook and twitter pages.

We are keen to keep people in the loop and up to date with our latest information, stories and dates of events where you can meet some of the team. You may have spotted one of our recent posts which included a photo of the team at Chester PRIDE, one of the more colourful events we’ve taken part in this year.

By using social media we hope we will reach a wider audience and attract more potential foster carers across the borough. All of our posts have a direct link to this website where people can find out more information about fostering and adoption. Simply click on the link to complete an initial enquiry form which makes it easier to start your fostering or adoption journey today.

Please help us spread the word and reach out to more potential foster carers and people looking to adopt by liking, following, sharing, re-tweeting and commenting on our posts.

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